aihhhh...this is the word that i have been using since i first stepped my feet in Malaysia last year and until now (heheh...even more now). not that i didn't like my home country but i just knew at that time that when i step my feet once again in Brissy, lots of things will come into my way...not just academic thingy but also all the things around me..
suddenly i remember the incident that happened last year during hari raya. it was my first time celebrating this festival away from my family and it was aslo my first time being "a-bad-mouth-girl-that-speaks-out-the-hidden-truth"..gosh..what a nickname!!! but it's me..whether u like it or not. come back to what i wanted to tell u earlier (about all the things that worry me ='( lorrr ). ever since the first hour i was in brisbane last week and until this very moment, i keep on thinking about FRIENDS..
there are certainly people who we can trust and cherish them as our friends and some are just don't. the incident that i told u earlier had made me realize whom my friends are..sometimes, even the closest buddy that we have can turn us down and become our most-great-enemy. aiiiihhhh..this is the second thing that worry me the most after all the academic stuff takes place.the reason behind all my worries about friends is i don't have anybody else in brisbane except for my friends.i know i still have my family wherever i may be, but still in reality i have nobody here except my friends.i'm hoping that the incident will never recur again.EVER...but still,if i have to say something that i believe it's true, i have to say it.pls pray for me that those things that i believe are true never reappear at least when i am still in brisbane!!!!!
other than the friend thing, i also have issues with m
i love azrol more than he will ever know and more than anyone else around me could have ever guessed. i know loving someone, shouldn't be kept as a secret, BUT this is not a secret, this is my own way of loving someone i truly loved and cherished..=) come back to azrol thing, i'm worried that his work will be the reason that gonna separate us apart..ooooohhhhhh NOOOOO!!!!! i don't want any other man to replace my sweet-other-half and i hope we will be together until the day one of us has to take our last breath on this world..AMIN..above that, i also pray that Allah will give both of us 'ketetapan hati'. don't let us forget each other and please make our hearts to still be one.
humm.stop here....bye
which thing sufi????u hafto tell me.heheheh.u ought to.
hahhahaa..thing that makes my heart pumping...hahhahahaha...emm..yummy..yucksss!!!couldn't believe i said such things..hahhhha..typo error actually..THINGY
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