Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
1. Do you believe in love at first sight?
-i don't know about this stuff..i have never ever experience it. but i guessed, love at first sight equals to lust and looks.hehehe..sorry didn't mean to hurt those people who start relationship with this kind of love..(peace)
2. Do you eat without brushing your teeth?
- sometimes...kengkadang lapar sgt..xsempat nk berus gigi..nmpak mkanan xdela every day camtu..tmbh2 ada plak 3 org budak2 ni yg suke tgk gigi, i better be extra careful about my teeth...hahhaha. tp sy mmg gosok gigi pun..
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
- HurMMMM.. i want to go to places where snow is everywhere..i suke sejuk2 ni..but my first place on the list is Switzerland..hope this dream will come true..
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
- urmmmm..kalu ada 1 wish je, i want to wish that i can have as many wishes as i want, and all the wishes will definitely be granted by that stingy genie...hehhehe
5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
- it does happen. we always see rainbow after the, i guess it will not cost us a thing to believe in those "words" melayu pun ckap kna susah2 dolu, bru blh hidup senang2 nant..=)
6. Do you like being who you are today?
- i Love being the way i am..i love Nursufyana Ulfa Che Mustaffa, even tho i fell like i have to change some of my attitudes...hahahhaa..bcoz, my friends told me that i am a BITCH...hahhahaa.i dun care, they are bitches too.
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
- emmm..first bg separuh kt my parents la..dan duit itu terpulang kpada mereka untuk bt apa pn..pstu nk beli umah banglo..n lebihan duit itu, beli kereta. kereta yg murah2 sudaaaa...i xreti drive..hahahhaa..rugi kalu kereta mhal2 calar...hahhahaha..pstu kalu ada lg lebihan duit, sy mau buka BAKERY..itu impian sy yg sgt, sgt, sgt, sgt sy nk cpai...hehehhe
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
-ish..nk malu n takut la...i'm afraid that he will reject me..i may not be his type and....i dun know...i like you, CHARMING (it is not love, like ok)...hahhahaa
9. Who are the top five people in the world you would wish to meet?
-rite now, i really wish i can meet with my mama, babah, adik, okie, ninie n azrol ..(ala terlebey nk jgk 6)
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
- mmm..someone that loves me more than i love him.
- someone that will always be on my side.
-someone that always make me laugh.
-someone that always cherish me for the way i am.
-someone that sees my flaws as my great strengths and beauty..hhahaha..
n..the list goes on..bnyak bt list ni setiap msa..n so far, these "5 requirements" adalah yg wajib ada n selalu ada on my list.
11. Which type of cars I love the most?
-i love cars that can make me looks rich and elegant.hahahhaa.nk jd kaya...please.please.please..nk kaya..
12. Which do you prefer from your other half? hug? or a kiss?
- i prefer hug. i think i will love the way his body touches mine..oppsss 18SX...hahhahaha..ermmm..i'm waiting for the moment when both of us can hug and cuddle each other on bed..hehhehehe...but i dun mind kalu die nk kiss kt pipi or dahi...gosh, kalu kiss kt pipi, nmpk sgt is not lust bcoz dahi tu cam..ish..xtau nk describe romantik la..kalu die kiss pipi nmpak comel...nk kalu lips....i dun know xnk je..hahhahaa
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
- i prefer for the others to tell me straight to the face becoz i will do same to them as well..i prefer straight-forwardness rather than kutuk2 belakang ni..if i'm the wrong one, i will apologize but if i'm not, e...the other shud know that they r messing with the wrong person..
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- other than health, love and family i guess beautiful clothes..hahahhaha
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
-emm..i dun know..maybe i am..hahhahaa..but one of my friends told me the other day that i am just like BECKY in shopaholic and the thing that differs me from BECKY is i dun shop coffee tables..hahhahaa..maybe not yet..we shud wait..hehhehe
16. What kind of electronic device/gadget you own that you like most?
- emm..i dun know..but maybe my IMI..hehhehehe
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
- i think i want to be more graceful on the pun mahu manja2 jgk...
18. What makes you feel disappointed?
- when i feel cheated..
19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?
- yup..i want that ability..i dun know why..maybe it can save me from wasting my time to the things or matters that will not even be parts of my future..huhu
20. Can we like sumone when we are already in love???hahhaha..
- i dun know about this..but maybe it's not comment!!!
humm, i've done ur tag fat..but sadly, i'm new to this blogging thing..xtaula nk tag org camne n even if i know i dun have any other i guess it is the end..huhu