Monday, May 19, 2008

{TemPoRaRy MadNeSs}..hehehhe

hehehehhe..TEMPORARY MADNESS... hehehehe..what can you interpret from these two words???hahhahaha..for ida n myself, we just want to have fun...hahahhahaa..xlebey dr itu..but, honestly speaking, ak pn tkut jgk ter"carried" away with this's not even real pun...hehehhe..

ceritanya begini, out of our boredom, ida n I have decided to create this "Temporary MAdness"..senang je bnda alah ni..u have to find the person that you like and keep talking about this person..hahhahahaa..aku n ida dh jmpa dh msg2 pnya kesukaan..hahhahahaha..

i told ida the other day, "aku pggl org yg ang suka tu "PRINCE"..."apa plak yg ang nk pggl org yg aku suka?" n ida pun jwab."emm.....aku bg nma "CHARMING", pndekkan cerita, org2 yg kmi suke tu nmanya PRINCE CHARMING..hehhehe..

hemm...i dun know about my true feeling..msa ak tgh tlis blog ni,asyik teringat muka CHARMING..hhahahaa..n nk tergelak pun ada..ala...bukan betul pun.suke2 je..hahhaha(hope so,xnkla suka2 kt org lain..pnatla)..., now i like CHARMING and Ida likes PRINCE. together, we will work n achieve our "dreams"..hhahahaha..emm,but i sincerely hope that this madness will end soon..xnk lma2..nant tkut dibuai rasa..hahhahahahahah

emm..xleh pnjg2 n detail sgt..nant org tau..huahhuahuahuahau..

i better stop here.bye..


fathiah zulkafli said...

aiyokkkkkkkkk!!!bgitau azrol n hilmi krg bru tauuuu.hahahahah. ptut la hepi je aku tgk. xpa babe. mari gedik beramai2.hahahaha

nursufyana ulfa said...

gedix is inborn talent la beb..xblh kalau xgedix...hahhahaa..

Anonymous said...

People should read this.