fat, my housemate, asked me yesterday, what wud i like to do for the rest of yesterday..i answered nothing much..just wanna walk to the city and buy a birthday card for my hubby..coz, today is his birthday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYANG!!!!I LOVE U VERY MUCH!!!
ok, kmbli kpada cite...emm, so fat asked me if she can join the "walking" and i said, yes..absolutely...n we decided to take pictures together and i told her that i feel like i want to wear my boots..n fat told me she had the same feeling too..hehhehe..ni la kisah sebermulanya ari ini..hehhehe...
so, kteorg pun melaram la..cam mak datin rsanye..tp mak datin yg muda la..bkn la yg kerepot tuh...hahhahaha..siap sumenya, kteorg pun g la jln2..n lupa nk gtau..zaim pun ikot jgk..hehhehehe..
n..inilah hsilnya..mcm artis x?aihhh.but i really need to work on my smile and my postures..eeeee.hrus blaja lg ni..lihat ye hasilnya..
hum.this is my pic buddy: fat..sgat hebat kalu berposing..dia le yg nshatkn aku spya jgn buka kaki,,nant nmpak p**_**t..hahhahhaa.keji kan..xpela..at least nshatnye berguna...nmpak la skit keayuan..hheheh=)
bergambar dengan boot memang favourite i!!! anywany love ur photos...
amboiiiiiii.faveret kak chan ke?leh la pasni bergambar lg.kalini kak chan wajib ikut.heheheh =p
heheh..i'm flattered kak chan dgar pujian u..kmbag kempis dh hidung i.hahhahaha..btul kta F tu, hrus ikot kak chan nant..
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