Sunday, September 14, 2008

::between love, desire and security::

i have done lotsa thinking about this issue..n finally, i choose love and security over desire.

love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

desire: a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment.

security: freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well-founded confidence.

ok, basically the dictionary defines the words the way i define them to myself.

between the three, i choose 2. i left my desire as i think, desire won't bring you anywhere and most importantly, if you choose desire, you will not be long from being hurt..that's how i think and i believe.

so, i made my decision and i stick to my believe. i choose love because, it is VERY important for me to be loved by someone. if you are loved by someone, the chances you will get hurt is somehow reduced. i think so.

i also choose security. i do not want to feel insecure of my own feeling. so i choose the certain one and i will built on matter how long it will take, i think i can..

so, this is me now. n this is how i'm gonna live my life..a bit selfish but it is CERTAIN!!!

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