Thursday, October 16, 2008

::~It's Malaysia-lah activity~::

yesterday was a big day for malaysian students who study in QUT..we had this function called Malaysia-lah event and it started from 10am until 4pm yesterday.i did not do much this year. i di not dance for this event.last year i di dance for tarian cina, joget and multicultural cam this year, i prefer to not spoil the good scenery of the dance sequences by contributing my reckless dancing acts ..hahhaha..i'm bad at dancing..real bad..why?
  • i have difficulties in coordinating my arm and legs movement. i always felt like i'm actually a robot or something that was born in human body..i did..
  • i have difficulties in learning the dance steps..walau brapa kali di ajar pun, still akn lembab n ssh nk bt..ssahla!!!
  • i have darah gemuruh when it comes to perform in front of others.. i can easily forget the steps that i rmember when it comes to the actual, because of these obvious reasons, i choose not to dance..=)
i went to the event quite late.. coz i had other things to do..n i was not very keen on the event itself because i was not feeling good..demam..i arrived late there.n when i arrived, lotsa people were already there and were already busied doing their things..aku xtau nk bt cam sbukan diri g menyembang..itula pertolongan aku..cra utk meramaikan org di works okay..

tp, there was still someone who still refused to talk to me..i did not know why..we just did not speak to each other anymore..=(

tp cam xksahla..ok je..and we closed the event by celebrating puteri's birthday..sedap cake itooo..heheh=)HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUTERI

but, overall ok la..

but my day did not end just quite yet..tggu....=)

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