last night, i couldn't control myself. i fell for the temptation to sms him. i did n i felt quite bad about it. i shouldn't do it because i know, if i still give him hope, how can he moves on with his new life..GOD, forgive me, i'm so bad.. it was not purely my attention to hurt his feeling even further with what i've done recently..i admit, night time is the most prone time in my life now..hrus okes...mlam2 aku hrus gedixs, rindula..apa have to stop..dear friends, please help me!!!now, i'm in KG..i should start doing the wiki thingy but my mind can't just seem to be getting anywhere there,, asyik terlekat kt sini je..camne ni..
bye-bye..aku da buhsan kt sini..nk bt apa ek?
bye-bye..aku da buhsan kt sini..nk bt apa ek?
dear, it's oke...(patting ),bcoz until today no one can prove that living n this world and finding a right place and path is easy..... do your best to find ur place in this world ;D... im here for you . supporting you...too ..:)
hehhehe..glad to know that someone is there to support me..=)
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